Lorem Ipsum Brunch
Nikki day 31
Summer Plans! 30/365
Tanya 31/365
My Mom. The toughest woman I know. Today is her 63rd birthday. Sometimes I miss being half way across the United States from her.
Treats! 29/365
Making a favorite for the boys when I don't have to work makes me happy. Will told me over and over how much he loves no-bake cookies. On a side note...I ate one cookie (plus some of the warm leftovers in the pot) and I feel yucky. I have cut way back on my sugar and it makes for a big difference in how I feel now when I do have too much. Lesson learned. Besides I have to stay on track. Knowing I will be weighed again at work at the end of the challenge does help immensely with focus.
Tanya 28/365
Another message that I pulled from the internet. I was up half the night with insomnia, worry, and heart palpitations. I just can't shake what I am feeling lately. I just want to feel normal. UGH!!!
Full Circle 28/365
This pic was taken out in the snow this morning.
Tanya 27/365
I found this on the internet. It explains perfectly how I feel right now. Nothing interests me and it takes every once I've got lately just to get out of bed. Depression and anxiety sucks!! I know my pills and my psychiatrist can't do it all for me. I just don't know..........................
Ahhhh 26/365
I've basically given up soda...but somedays...
It's only a diet Coke. I'm not a huge fan and I consider it poison. But somedays...
Tanya 26/365
Out of all the photos that I took of these, this is the best one and it has a bubble in it. Go figure! There's usually a truck out here selling bags of oranges (about 100 to a bag) to make your own juice, which we have done before, but they weren't out here today so I got up close to snap a few photos. I just had to be careful at passing traffic so it didn't look like I was trespassing as it's not a pick your own kind of place.
My Dad 24/365
Tanya 25/365
She's either still tired from her overnight field trip Friday night, stayed up and gamed without us knowing it Saturday night, or Grandma and Grandpa's house is just plain boring.
Tanya 24/365
Some palm trees for ya. I wish it would've been sunny though in the background. It's overcast and chilly. Cold front going through. The high for today is only 64 degrees.
New To Me 23/365
My washer started acting up today with the same problem that has already been fixed on it at least 3 other times over the last 5 years. The warranty has since expired and I refused to pay for something that I know will happen again. I could have bought new...but saw this one for sale at a reasonable price. I'm happy...for now.
Tanya 23/365
I finally got around to ordering a poster-sized collage of the family photos over Christmas break. The collage arrived today from Walmart.com. I think that they did a decent job. :)