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One angle of my daughter's room.  This was taken back in 2013, but it's still pretty much the same.  Finding photos for the landlady of the house as it goes up for sale this week.  Oy!


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Carol 119


Will and Peanut. The kitties are 4 weeks old today.


From my walk yesterday.



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Too funny how he's sleeping here. 

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Ass packed someone today.  My fault.  I don't understand how I turned the back end of their car into an accordion and this was the only damage that I got.  Shit happens, I guess. 


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Took this one for Olivia.  LET'S GO BOLTS!  It's supposed to be a statue of the lightening bolt outside of the area where the Tampa Bay Lightening hockey team plays. 

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Lead singer of the band "Breaking Benjamin".  I must be getting old as I just can't stand today's rock music anymore. 


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narcissus flower

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Glossy lips by Almay. 


Not that our new year weight loss challenge at work has started, I need to be more mindful of what I eat. I want to win!

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Feeling pretty blah but I decided to put a little make up on and find whatever I could in black for tonight as we're headed to 98.1 Rockfest at the Amalie Arena tonight........same place that the Tampa Bay Lightening play. 


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My homemade veggie pizza. It was hard to leave the pepperoni and bacon off!


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We have a family of sandhill cranes in our neighborhood.  Here's a baby crossing the street.  So cute!


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Horse farm just down the road from me.  They're usually never this close to the road.  Great photo opportunity!

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It's amazing how young I look in this photo.  I wanted to save this photo for my Mother's Day photo; however, today has true meaning of why I'm here........my daughter is the reason that I breathe.  I love you, Olivia, with all that I am!!!

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Two summers ago at the Spaghetti Warehouse in Ybor City. 

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The girls from two summers ago.  I love going back and seeing the things they'd they love to do and wear that were the same.  Gosh, they've changed so much in two years!!

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My bowl of yumminess the other day. 

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Ya'll wanted to see some palm trees.  How's this?

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They were sleeping on the sofa this morning when I left for work.

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Starting with this pic, I don't have Internet in my apartment yet. Soon. So, I edited my pics on Picasa and took photos w my iPhone. Lol. Hey, it worked. Lol


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Looking for a dress for a winter wedding.  All I'm finding, right now, is spring colors.  If this would've fit I would've bought it regardless as I love it!!

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Looking at shoes and dresses for a winter wedding.  I love these shoes, but honestly after the wedding I don't know where/if I'd wear them again. 

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Flag in Fog


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One of my favorites from spring break. 

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The storm that could not be weathered.


Carol 101/365

Mr. Pataters

Tanya 101/365

I guess you could say that Olivia enjoyed the movie. :)


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This gum is delicious and really curbs my munchies!

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Anna's band photos arrived today.  Hard to believe that in just six short weeks she will be 13.  Lord, help me!!


At the court house again today.